Friday 28 November 2014

Fashion show!!!!!!!!!!

gowan girlos 
this week on tuesday and wednesday we had our school fashion show i was not in it unfortunatly but i did get to help paint the stage before. the girls did great well done to everyone was lovely show. next week is last week of work experience in zest i will miss my lovely wednesdays there i must say. 
anyway slater

Friday 21 November 2014

Jartastic so slick

this week went really fast the fashion show is next week tuesday and wednesday.  im modeling last years junk koutour i think its spelt that way anyway. its mad pretty anyway im going to sell my mini company jartastic at the fashion show so come along to see it thanks xxx this week we did a lot of production with the jars so loads of that is done, some turned out really well looking slick.
Displaying IMG_8490.JPGDisplaying IMG_8491.JPG
that is one prototype
thanks love sarah
we also went to vanishing art in carton house was fun aswell

Friday 14 November 2014

sentence without using words and stuff

Tv3 !!!!

this week up until thursday i was on work experience in tv3 which is based in dublin. during the week i went to different departments in the company which included editing, news room, gallery, studio, sales, online, promo and loads more. i did alot of observation and they explained to me what there job required. i also got to watch the shows live from the studio which included midday, ireland am and late lunch live. during the news i got to sit in the gallery and watch them count the differnt news clips in. in promotions i got to watch a movie which will be aired soon and take clips out of it to make into an ad. i also got to be in the recording studio when the people came in to do the voice overs of shows. i got to post some posts online on their facebook, twitter and web page. was really interesting and gave me a better understanding of tv and the work behind it. i got to work on edits for the toy show next friday which is new to tv3 and i got a preview of it. overall was really good and fun the people there were really nice. i also got to meet tommy bowe, georgia salpa, pippa o connor and dermot bannon. also all the news reporters and tv presenters which were all really nice and friendly .
love from saz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 7 November 2014

the name game

This week we had normal things whatever we always do, tomorrow is the school open day so school looks at its best. work experience was good on wednesday was fairly quite in the restaurant. in home ec we are making teddys its looking good and in biology we are looking at different germs around our school. mini company is coming together soon nearly ready to start producing our item. midterm was really good #halloweenbants. shoutout to chloe k the name game!!!

peace out
love saz xxxxxxxxxx