Friday 28 November 2014

Fashion show!!!!!!!!!!

gowan girlos 
this week on tuesday and wednesday we had our school fashion show i was not in it unfortunatly but i did get to help paint the stage before. the girls did great well done to everyone was lovely show. next week is last week of work experience in zest i will miss my lovely wednesdays there i must say. 
anyway slater

Friday 21 November 2014

Jartastic so slick

this week went really fast the fashion show is next week tuesday and wednesday.  im modeling last years junk koutour i think its spelt that way anyway. its mad pretty anyway im going to sell my mini company jartastic at the fashion show so come along to see it thanks xxx this week we did a lot of production with the jars so loads of that is done, some turned out really well looking slick.
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that is one prototype
thanks love sarah
we also went to vanishing art in carton house was fun aswell

Friday 14 November 2014

sentence without using words and stuff

Tv3 !!!!

this week up until thursday i was on work experience in tv3 which is based in dublin. during the week i went to different departments in the company which included editing, news room, gallery, studio, sales, online, promo and loads more. i did alot of observation and they explained to me what there job required. i also got to watch the shows live from the studio which included midday, ireland am and late lunch live. during the news i got to sit in the gallery and watch them count the differnt news clips in. in promotions i got to watch a movie which will be aired soon and take clips out of it to make into an ad. i also got to be in the recording studio when the people came in to do the voice overs of shows. i got to post some posts online on their facebook, twitter and web page. was really interesting and gave me a better understanding of tv and the work behind it. i got to work on edits for the toy show next friday which is new to tv3 and i got a preview of it. overall was really good and fun the people there were really nice. i also got to meet tommy bowe, georgia salpa, pippa o connor and dermot bannon. also all the news reporters and tv presenters which were all really nice and friendly .
love from saz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 7 November 2014

the name game

This week we had normal things whatever we always do, tomorrow is the school open day so school looks at its best. work experience was good on wednesday was fairly quite in the restaurant. in home ec we are making teddys its looking good and in biology we are looking at different germs around our school. mini company is coming together soon nearly ready to start producing our item. midterm was really good #halloweenbants. shoutout to chloe k the name game!!!

peace out
love saz xxxxxxxxxx

Friday 24 October 2014


so excited for midterm my favourite time of year halloween also my birthday on the 29th. today we all dressed up i dressed up as miranda sings a youtuber and i did it quite well. we are having a french coffee morning type thing later today
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love from saZ XXXX

Friday 17 October 2014

work experience and life!!!

work was great and i learnt how to make coffee wednesdays are the restraunts busy day so was very busy had zero time to stop. anyway yeah nothing else really happened this week. sarah got a new cat named olly. its nearly my birthday cant wait getting a pug

love from saz xxx

Friday 10 October 2014

Home ec this week!!!!!!!!

Week 3: Caramel Squares
125g flour
50g cornflour
50g caster sugar
100g HARD butter
2-3 drops of vanilla essence
1-2 cans of condensed milk
200g milk chocolate
Ingredients tray
2 plates
Cutlery tray
Large bowl
Round tin
Wire tray
Spoon rest

The week before cookery:
1.     Immerse 2 cans of unopened condensed milk in a pot of boiling water with a lid on it. Boil & simmer the cans for 3 hours. Make sure the entire can is covered in water, if not just top up with boiling water from the kettle.  After 3 hours remove from water & leave to cool (its best to do 6 cans at a time as you don’t want to waste fuel & they last for months unopened)
In cookery class
2.    Prepare yourself and your unit for cookery
3.    Pre-heat oven to 160oC/ Gas 3
4.    Grease sandwich tin
5.    Sieve flour & cornflour
6.    Mix in sugar & zest/vanilla if using
7.    Rub in butter- be careful to no handle it too much or it will get oily. Squeeze mixture together with fingertips
8.    Press into a greased sandwich tin & smooth with the back of a spoon
9.    Bake for 15-20 minutes until pale fawn colour
10. Meanwhile, open cans of condensed caramel & place into a bowl- mix with a spoon to make it smooth. Spread the caramel over the shortbread.
11.  Melt chocolate- Break chocolate into a bowl and melt in the microwave for 30 seconds. Remove and stir. Continue to melt chocolate stirring every 30 seconds until the chocolate is melted (@ 2-3 mins)
12. Spread melted chocolate over the caramel and leave to cool until the chocolate sets.
Shortbread Only     Use shortbread ingredients above    
Option 1: Leave plain             
Option 2: Add grated zest of 1 orange or 1 lemon
Option 3: Add 1 teaspoon of ground ginger or cinnamon
Follow step 2-8 above & continue to step 9 below
9. Crimp edges with a fork. Cut into 8 sections and prick with a fork. Bake for 15-20 minutes until pale fawn colour. Cool in tin for a few minutes then remove carefully. Sprinkle with caster sugar

Friday 3 October 2014

fun walk !!! & work experience !!!

on thursday we had our annual funwalk my class aurora went with the theme of our name who is sleeping beauty and did a very well put together dance to wake me up by wham.
was extremely great with an 8 gr8
we also won because we are the best ty class of course!!!
wednesday i had work experience for the 2nd week. i learnt how to make coffee was really fun.
clio and gemma came for their lunch and had pasta very nice pasta well done girlos,
thats really it for this week. i actually really starting to enjoy ty alot.

Friday 26 September 2014

work experience !!!!

Yeowwww work experience!! was so much fun i loved it

i was working in zest cafe and restaurant in clane.i got to be a waitress for the day. i took peoples orders and worked with loads of new people. i had to clear and clean tables and give customers their food also. i got free lunch i had honey and parsnip soup was very nice. cliodhna and gemma came to visit me on their lunch break and ordered chips wow very exciting girls. i love working with customers and talking to people and helping them. i got to leave early cause i was working good says my superviser thanks inge very kind u are. she also told me im a quick learner and could use a drinks tray very well. ive got the skill bow down.
i was always busy never had a min to stop. lunch time was so busy so many people came in the whole place was packed but was still fun. everyone working there was so friendly and madt nice.i worked from half 10 till 5 but was allowed leave at 4. anyway cant wait for next week!!

thanks love saz
xoxo gossip girl
ps i love u

Friday 19 September 2014

carlingford bant !!!!!!

this week, monday and tuesday we headed up to carlingford which looks like the town in wild child. anyway we had to get up really early. first thing we did was drop our stuff to our rooms then headed for the lake we did like rowing boat things and got on a trampoline. after that we headed back to the center for food which i would love to have right now cause im hungry.

after lunch we did activities which were like problem solving games kind of. they were fun and the instructer we had was called rory he was sound. very sound. most sound. here is a picture of one of the activites we did. im in the fab wellies thanks.

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after that we had dinner which was pasta was very nice thanks to kitchen lady olga very kind. we had free time for a while then and i got icecream in the shop which was fab. then we met up again for some walk up the mountain which was very tiring and i did not enjoy as i was very tired. when we got there we got blind folded and held onto a rope and walked around the forrest. i led everyone as i was at the front.

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we then went to bed well actually we got chinese and sat up eating all the food we had cause we are fat. we also had terrible wifi but you could get it if you stuck your head out the window. my room was 64 and i had many people in it. myself, saz mc, chloe k, chloe q, meabhh sieve and rajajaja.
many fun was had but we were all so tired so fell asleep very quickly.

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next morning we got woken up at like half 7 i wasnt feeling well so i didnt go to the first activty so me, dearbla and clodagh were all feeling sick and watch sex and the city thank you ms leaonard, ms hughes and ms o callaghan very kind of yous. after that we had lunch and i was feeling better so decided to do the next activity which was laser tag . which was by far my favourite thing about carlingford was so much fun.

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after that we got on the bus and went home, we were all so tired on the way back i slept most of the way home. was a really good 2 days. so ye thats it. shoutout to cliodhna nearly killed her on the trampoline.

thanks love saz
xoxo gossip girl
ps. i love u

Friday 12 September 2014

results yeoowww

Wednesday we got our junior cert results, I was really happy with mine and my mam got me coffee before. Wednesday night a few of us went to wrights and had lots of fun sensible fun of course.

Next monday and tuesday we are going to carlingford we are leaving ridiculously early 7am please no thank you. I finally got my work experience and im going to be a great waitress in zest in clane. next thursday we are going to a talk on mini company in maynooth collage. Ive never been in the collage so im excited. 

Ty is actually getting pretty good now so the rest of the year will be good. Cliodhna,saz cricks and myself are still really good kids in ty and probably always will be.

thanks love saz x
xoxo gossip girl
ps i love u 

Friday 5 September 2014

awesome week dude

This week has been our first full week in ty. yeah it was alright i guess. we did 3 workshops on Wednesday, first aid, equitte and postive parties. they were bit of fun. I like my class and my option classes. we have a good timetable during the week so its not that bad

I still havent got my work experience sorted yet so im kind of annoyed about that. cant wait for carlingford though. saz cricks is sitting beside me right now in IT we are really cool. Cliodhna saz and myself are really cool kids in ty. I like the idea of doing a blog its a bit like tumblr i guess.

over the past week ive got to talk to people in my class that i didnt even know their names before ty. i also like the idea of doing subjects i havent done before like tech,music and home ec.